Tuesday 12 February 2013

PR and Video-casting

With online technologies such as social media, podcasting and video casting rapidly taking off in recent years it is important that PR and communications companies take advantage of these new technologies. This week I am going to discuss the advantages that video-casting Has on PR and communications companies. These companies use video-casting to connect with their customer or client in a personal level. They can Taylor make their videos for a particular audience, whether it is for a young of older audience. These companies make a physical connection with their audience through image, voice, music and setting.It is also a more cost effective form of PR as it is a lot cheaper than paying for tv advertising or radio broadcasting. Video -casting is also more accessible to a wider audience. It is available 24 7, 7 days a week. This is ideal for communications companies as they need to be constantly connected with the customer and also constantly updated. PR companies also use guerrilla marketing campaign via YouTube to create a trend. This is a very effective way to create brand awareness and it is instant too. PR companies are aware that the majority of YouTube users are young people aged between 18 to 30. So they aim many of their marketing videos toward that audience. For example the sprite giant soda machine shower video was a very famous marketing video. It attracted a young audience and made the product seem desirable and trendy for young people. With over hundreds of millions of people the YouTube everyday it would be only foolish for a PR company not to jump on the band wagon.

Niamh O' Rourke

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